The Major Advantages of Hot Forging Steel

The Major Advantages of Hot Forging Steel

Unlike other forging and forming methods, there are many benefits that come with hot forged steel. It is important to note that steel is one of the hardest metals in the industry. Depending on the type of steel that you are using, some may only be best forged using hot forging. They are too hard for the other types of forging.

There are many advantages of hot forging steel, and that’s the reason why it is still popular with steel forging. In this blog, we have put some of these benefits for you. Check out the following tips:

High Strain Rates

One of the properties that make a material ideal for forging is high strain. This is what you get when you hot forge steel. The process produces high strain rates that make the material easy to flow; hence you can easily make a wide range of shapes, including the most complex shapes you can imagine. That’s not something that you can get from other forging methods, such as cold forging.

Recrystallization and Recovery Are Possible

Do you have steel material that you feel is impure and would like to improve? Well, that’s something that you can do with the hot forging. The heating of the steel to the crystallization enables you to remove most of the impurities in the material. With the cold and warm forging process, you cannot recrystallize your material.

Forces Required Are Less

When hot forging steel, you will need to heat the slug to the crystallization temperature. This where the steel material is molten and is ready to be formed into the required shape. In the molten form, the amount of forces needed for the forging step is very small. You don’t need to invest in a heavy hydraulic press machine as it is with the cold forging process.

Higher Ductility Levels

For the machine parts and, more so, parts that are subjected to high bending pressure, the level of ductility is an important factor to consider. Ductility is the ability of the metallic part to withstand bending forces without breaking. Te high ductility is the reason why hot forging steel parts are good machine cutter tools such as cutter knives, blades, and bits.

These are some of the advantages that you can expect from hot forging steel. But you need to buy from a reputable and reliable manufacturer to enjoy these benefits. Visit here for one of such manufacturers.