How to Replace Greenteeth Stump Grinder Teeth

How to Replace Greenteeth Stump Grinder Teeth

If you are operating a Greenteeth stump grinder teeth, replacement is one of the key major practices that you need to consider. When the repair cannot salvage the situation, then a replacement would be the only way out. However, you don’t need to hire a professional mechanical engineer to fix the replacement.  You can be a do-it-yourself backyard mechanic and save a lot of money in repair. In this article, we are going to help you to be a self-reliant mechanical engineer.  If you want to replace your Greenteeth stump grinder teeth by yourself, there are a few things that you need to know. This is how you should go about it:


There are a few things that you need to have for you quality for a DIY backyard mechanic and to replace a stump grinder teeth. First, you will need a touch or other method of heating that has the capability of reaching about 1500°F. That will ensure that you have the need amount of temperature to heat the teeth. Second, you will need black flux for brazing and not the soldering wax. You also need to have a pokey stick such as a ceramic rod or an old file.


  1. Remove the old stump teeth

The first step is to have the old teeth removed. If you are doing this for the first time, the teeth will not come off that easily. If you take a close look at the teeth, you will find out that they have been welded. That is why you need to have enough temperature to melt the braze alloy so that the tooth can come off. Once the alloy has melted, use some kind of sharp, flicking motion on the old tooth to knock it off.

  1. Prepare for the new tooth

For the new tooth to be put in the place of the old teeth, there are a few things that you need to do first. You will need to check the size of the tooth to ensure that it is of the right size. Second, you need to have the steel thoroughly cleaned off dust, rust, soil, and grease material. That will ensure that braze and the steel have combines effectively.

  1. Replace the New teeth

With the tooth steel clean and the older removed, you only need to put into the notch, ensure that the braze alloy is against the brazing flux. Heat the teeth through the carbide and the steel will expand to fit in the notch.