Best Practice for Cold Planer Attachment Maintenance

Best Practice for Cold Planer Attachment Maintenance

All cold planers attachments are designed to enable for minimal maintenance, especially if you invest in a new one. It is a practice that helps your milling machine to operate efficiently and at the same time produce maximum output. Unfortunately, most operators ignore most of the maintenance aspect of these machines by failing to follow the manufacturer‘s guidelines. The result of such negligence is poor performance of the machine and reduced lifespan. So, what are the best maintenance practice? Here is the best practices that will help you get the best out of cold planer machine.

Listening to the Noise of a cold planer

Listening to the noise of the cold planer is one of the basic and best practice maintenance tips. When you buy a new attachment, the only sound that you can get is that of the engine humming. That is the only sound that you should get from the machine. But with time, especially of the cold planer is not adequately maintained, it will start producing noises that. This is an indication that something is not right and you should have fixed immediately. If the problem is not fixed, it continues building and possibly result in breaking down of the machine. So, listening to the noise coming from the machine is one of the best maintenance practice.

The Picks Condition

When it comes to the picks or what many people refer to as cold planer teeth, then you have no choice but ensure their best condition. These are the main cutting parts, and if you don’t give them the attention that they require, then you can as well forget about peak performance and a maximum output of the attachment. You should note that the teeth wear off fast than other parts of the attachment and thus need to have it checked regularly. Note that the replacement time depends on the type of material that you are working on. So you need to have them checked regularly and mostly after the finishing working on a milling activity.

Leave no part Unchecked

The worst thing that you can do as an operator is to assume that other parts are okay. You have to ensure that every part of the machine has been checked. Check the cold planer teeth even if they are newly replaced and also the tooth holder. Any part of the attachment matters and that is why it is the best practice to have every part check.