Monthly Archives: June 2019

4 Things You Should Know About Brazing Tungsten Carbide

4 Things You Should Know About Brazing Tungsten Carbide

Brazing tungsten carbide is one of the technologies that have become very popular in the Industrial manufacturing industry. The technical is replacing the traditional soldering techniques used for joining the parts of the teeth (body and the tip). There are a number of things that you need to know about brazing tungsten carbide. First, there are many properties that come with this technique that makes it extremely powerful for machine cutter tools. Here are 4 things that you should know about this technique.

Uses the Best Grade Metal

One of the main factors that make Brazing tungsten popular is kind of metal that used for the making of the joint. The technique used metallic braze alloy, which is one of the powerful metals for the joint. Unlike solder that were used in the market, metallic braze produces strong joints that can withstand even the most demanding conditions. The is one of the reasons why technology is recommended for making cutter tools for digging and drilling machines.

It produces Fine Joints

Another thing that will impress you is the fineness of the joint that is produced by the technique. If you have seen the soldered machine teeth, you can see the joint clearly. But that is not the case with the brazing tungsten carbide technology. The joint is so fine that you can hardly see it with your bare eyes. That is another factor that has made the technique popular in the market. The tool looks so fine that you can think it is just a single metal that has used.

It Is Cost Effective

One of the many reasons why people are going for this technique is because it is cost effective. This is the kind of joint that will give you value for money. In fact, if you compare it with the rest of the options in the market, this is what you need if you are looking to saving money in the long run. That is because the joint has a high resistant to force and high temperatures associated with the cutting and drilling works. Therefore, you will enjoy the services of tungsten carbide brazed tools for long. The cost of maintaining the parts is also very low

You Can Join Non-Similar Metals

One of the biggest challenges with the soldering technique is that joining non-similar metals. But with brazing tungsten carbide technique, you can joint even non-similar metals. In most cases, it is used to join alloy steel and tungsten carbide tips to make power cutter teeth.